June 2024 | BOTM Predictions

A little late with predictions this month but better late than never, right? As with my May predictions, there are a few confirmed picks already and while I’m adding them to my prediction list along with my other hopefuls, I won’t call them out, so I don’t spoil anyone’s fun! If you do want to know the spoilers – send me a message on Instagram @speakingof.books , and I’ll be happy to share!

There are a TON of previous BOTM authors with books coming out in June. While I generally hope for debuts, many of these upcoming releases are right up BOTM’s alley. Because of these, they’re some of my best predictions for the month. Here’s to hoping they’re just add-ons and not our main picks.

I have quite a few ARCs of these books as well and am in the middle of a few of my predictions, so be sure to check back soon for full reviews.

Whether or not my predictions are actually picks, only time will tell. Even if they are not, all or most of these are on my June Most Anticipated New Releases, and my Summer 2024 Most Anticipated List.


When the picks are announced and you find you have space in your box still, make sure to also check out my most recent version of BOTM Add-On recommendations HERE, because who couldn’t use even more books!

Keep in mind that these are simply predictions and books I hope get chosen. I could get these completely wrong, but the anticipation and guessing are part of the fun right?!


Mystery & Thrillers

We already know that Ruth Ware’s newest release One Perfect Couple was a mid-May add-on, and I know plenty of people who will be adding it to their box. I loved Ruth Ware but lately her books have been ‘meh’ for me. I do have a copy of this one though and will share my review soon.

Of the rest of my predictions I’m the most hopeful for The God of the Woods. I adored Liz Moore’s Long Bright River and still constantly recommend it. I wasn’t able to get an ARC so I’m seriously hoping it’s a BOTM pick.

Long Bright River Review

Historical Fiction

Light on the Historical Fiction picks this month, but Beatriz Williams is a repeat author so I’d like to see either Last House or The Glass Maker as the main Historical Fiction pick in June!



So many good romance picks to choose from coming out in June, which is perfect for vacation reads. I loved the first book in Brynne Weaver’s new series and am keeping my fingers crossed for Leather & Lark to be a pick. Ali Hazelwood, Laura Hankin, and Liana De La Rosa are all previous BOTM authors, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them pop up as add-ons or main picks.


Science Fiction & Fantasy

My Fantasy predictions both fall more under magical realism. I have copies of both of these to read, but I loved The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer last year so I’m hoping to also love The Lost Story.

The Wishing Game REview

Literary & Contemporary Fiction

Look at all these contemporary and literary fiction predictions! I never have such a hard time narrowing down this genre. I don’t even know who I am! We have some stellar fiction releases coming out in June and late May. Of course my most anticipated is Kirsten Miller’s Lula Dean’s Library of Banned Books – you can guarantee this will be in my box if it’s a pick. I absolutely recommend The Change to everyone, and tried incredibly hard to get an ARC of her new book.

On the flip side, I do have copies of Honey and Margo’s Got Money Problems, I haven’t made it very far into either yet but will have reviews soon!


I hope you found a book that you are truly excited about in this post. Let me know which other new releases you are excited for this month or that you’re hoping are BOTM picks, by commenting below or by messaging me on Instagram @speakingof_books. Don’t forget to follow me to get weekly updates and new reviews!

Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and recommendation. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Keri says:

    I’m so excited for the new Riley Sager, Ruth Ware, and Lucy Foley!! But I always enjoy checking out new books too.

    I’ve been missing the little boxes with the synopsis and such that you used to include for all the predictions after the cover pictures—it was a nice easy way to get interested in the books I hadn’t heard of. Is there a reason you stopped those?
    Either way, I still always look forward to this post and check it out immediately. It’s also fun to see which predictions make it in!

    1. Allison Speakmon says:

      I read the new Ruth Ware and I’m not super impressed, but will have a review up tomorrow hopefully.
      A few of the wordpress features changed recently and I had to figure out a new way to display the pictures in a group. Between that and just the time it consumed I just kinda stopped. lol. I’ll try and incorporate them back in!

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