July 2024 BOTM Predictions

There are so many interesting books coming out in July and quite a few repeat BOTM authors that have books coming out and that have just come out. As much as I love some of our repeat BOTM authors, I’m hoping for some out of the blue picks and debuts. You’ll also notice quite a few thriller and mystery predictions with almost all of them being repeat authors but honestly all I care about is seeing The God of the Woods and Lula Dean as picks! Sorry not sorry. You’ll also see quite a few fiction picks which all sound great for various reasons. I had a hard time narrowing my picks down so you’ll have to settle with lots of fiction predictions this time around.

I do have a confirmed pick for July, if you’re interested in knowing what it is, send me a direct message on Instagram (@speakingof.books), otherwise this prediction post is spoiler free!

Whether or not these are actually picks, only time will tell. Even if they are not all or most of these are on my July Most Anticipated New Releases list, which you can see HERE! When the picks are announced and you find you have space in your box still, make sure to also check out my most recent version of BOTM Add-On recommendations HERE!


Keep in mind that these are simply predictions and books I hope get chosen. I could get these completely wrong but the anticipated and guessing is part of the fun right?!


Mysteries & Thrillers

As I mentioned, there are tons of repeat BOTM authors with Mysteries and Thrillers coming out in July and early August. I think we might see some of these as add-ons, but I’m really hoping to see The God of the Woods.


Historical Fiction

Again, I really just want to see Kate Quinn’s new book as a pick. I have a copy to read and I’m hoping to start it this weekend, so be on the lookout for my review!


Science Fiction & Fantasy

Two fantasy/ magical realism options for July and both are completely different. I’m listening to O.O. Sangoyomi’s debut now and I’m intrigued.

While I adored Meg Shaffer’s debut, The Lost Story was meh in my opinion but I still see it being a pick.

The Lost Story Review

Literary and Contemporary Fiction

A mixture of fiction predictions this month and I just could not narrow it down. I have copies of most of these and am hopefully going to read some soon. But even if none of these ends up being picked, you should still take a look at them. They all sound excellent.



Just sprinkling in a little romantasy into the prediction mix with The Spellshop, which sounds amazing. The Love of My After Life and The Ex-Vows seems to fall more in line with traditional romance picks, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see those either.



Who even am I throwing in a non-fiction pick?! Of course it’s a true crime, but we’ve seen BOTM offer lots of True Crime books in the past, and I’m really hoping to see this crazy story about Florida be a pick.


I hope you found a book that you are truly excited about in this post. Let me know which other new releases you are excited for this month or that you’re hoping are BOTM picks, by commenting below or by messaging me on Instagram @speakingof_books. Don’t forget to follow me to get weekly updates and new reviews!

Happy Reading!

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. CLS says:

    Too many to keep up with. Don’t know how you do it!

    1. Allison Speakmon says:

      I don’t lol 🙂

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