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Olympus, Texas


This is the epitome of a family drama, and really the entire plot revolved around the internal drama that is the Briscoe family. This story is 100% about the character’s emotional baggage and coming to terms with who they are as people. While it promises to hold quite a bit of mythology references, unless you are extremely learned in it, you won’t pick up on the references. I love Greek mythology, and actually forgot all about this book supposedly having the references and nods to the gods, but that doesn’t super matter because the story stands on it’s own.

The Briscoe family live in a small town in East Texas. After having an affair with his brother’s wife, two years ago, March Briscoe is attempt to come home. But only his father and his half sister seems to be glad to see him back. His arrival though brings up more than just hard feelings about the affair, it’s also stirring up the past which the entire family will need to confront. The long held secrets, resentments, jealousy, and lies are about to come out, and nobody in the family is safe.

Taking place over a single week, there is a lot that goes on in this mess of a family. When I call this family a mess, I mean it. In the course of that single week, there is a hunting accident, fights, a funeral, marriages on the brink, and plenty of sibling feuds. They may try and portray the ideal family but the Briscoe’s are nowhere near perfect and the whole town knows it.

First off bonus points for being set in Texas. As a good Texas girl myself, I’m trying to read more books set in my home state. I mean I can only read so many LA and NYC set books.

I enjoyed how each character had a distinct voice and personality, including plenty of their own issues. I also enjoyed that Swann gave each character their own narratives while also giving us back stories for each character’s ‘main issue/complex’. I think Swann did a great job of writing authentic characters, especially in her portrayals of the female characters.

This is a fast-paced read, and while I don’t think it will make my top reads of 2021, is perfect for those wanting drama and/or deep characterizations.


Olympus, Texas is out now. Huge thank you to Doubleday Books for my copy in exchange for my honest review.  If you liked this review please let me know either by commenting below or by visiting my Instagram @speakingof_books.

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