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February 2019 Reading Recap

IMG_3364Wow, did February fly by or is it just me? I mean I know it only have 28 days but I feel like I blinked and it was over! Even with such few days, I had high hopes for my February reading and honestly I started February off with a bang, in terms of reading, and then didn’t read anything for almost two weeks. In my defense, I did get engaged(!), so I’ll let myself have a pass this month. The other reason though I didn’t read for a few weeks, is honestly because I was in a book slump. Not because I didn’t have other great things to read, but because what I had read was so profound that I couldn’t stop thinking about it for TWO WHOLE WEEKS.

But before I get into that a little recap/overview on what I planned to read and what I actually read this month. To see my February Reading List with full synopsis of each book go HERE.

Complete list of everything I read in February 2019


Weekly Recaps

In total I read 6 complete books for the month of February, bringing my total number of books read for 2019 up to 13. A little behind schedule, but I’m almost done both Turtles All the Way Down and The Water Cure, which will put me right on target for reaching my goal of 100 books for 2019, and will put me at 8 complete books for the month. February was such a short month, I literally blinked and it was over, that I’m not beating myself up about not finishing my TBR this month. I also did finish listening to two more Harry Potter books on audio this month, and while I don’t include them in my count, I just need people to know I actually finished them!

Week 1

By Friday the 3rd I had already started and finished two books. That’s crazy. I normally only read that fast when I’m on vacation or have a few long flights to entertain myself on. On February 1st, a Friday, I finished reading A Night Tiger (review HERE) which was on my January Reading List (see the full list HERE), and which I hadn’t quite finished by the last day of January. Sue me. On the 2nd I decided to kick my February reading off with a good historical fiction and since I was reading it was the Pages Ago Book Club for February, I started with The Wartime SistersI actually enjoyed the book and gave it four stars, you can see my full review for The Wartime Sisters HERE! I quickly finished The Wartime Sisters up and moved onto Station Eleven which I was reading with the Not Your Mama’s Book Club. This one took me a little longer to get into and while I enjoyed it, I couldn’t give it more than three stars. Two books down in the first week of February, I was killing it!


Week 2 

Once the second week of the month started, I jumped right into my next read. I went with Verity as my third book of the month. I would’ve finished it in a night had I not been a responsible adult and decided to get some sleep for work the next day. Anyways, this by far was my favorite book this month and it totally messed with my head. See my full review HERE! This was the only book I read this week, and since I read it early on in the week, I was bookless for most of the week.

I did however start A Gentleman in Moscow via audible but didn’t get to far as I think I’d prefer to read a physical copy instead of listening to it. It just seems as if it needs more attention than what I can commit to an audiobook as I’m normally multiple tasking while I listen to them.

Week 3

The weekend of the third week was right after I had finished Verity and I was still reeling from the words I had read. I also happened to get the most expensive piece of jewelry I own, an engagement ring, so that also knocked reading down on my priority list for a few days. The last thing that really put me behind for the month is that I started watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and of course I binged that wonderful show. I’m okay with not reading anything this week, it happens.

Week 4

I finally sat down and started reading Good Morning, Midnight and then moved onto The Winter Sisters during the last weekend of the month and I finished it fairly quickly. My full review for this one, which was also my February Book of the Month pick, will be up on Saturday. I then moved onto The Tattooist of Auschwitz, where I cried, and then also managed to start both Turtles All the Way Down and The Water Cure, (once I finish them, the day is young) which brought my total of books read for February up to eight, which isn’t bad considering February is only 28 days.


February’s Ranking

  1. Verity
  2. The Tattooist of Auschwitz
  3. The Wartime Sisters
  4. The Winter Sister
  5. Good Morning, Midnight
  6. Station Eleven
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