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Speaking of…Self Care

“To love oneself, is the beginning of a life-long romance” – Oscar Wilde

I turned 27 about two-three months ago and one of the biggest battles that I have waged with myself, and still constantly struggle with is, loving myself. Some days, I just get on my own last nerve and that’s okay. I’ve come to accept who I am as a person for the most part and even though I accept myself doesn’t mean I always act in my own best interests. Half the time I’m so busy running to the finish line and trying to do everything, that I simply don’t take time to care for myself.

Taking care of yourself, is one of the first steps to being genuinely happy, but it’s also been shown to help you perform at a higher level mentally and physically. So as a birthday present to myself, I told myself I would start taking better care of ME. And that’s being going TERRRIBLEE, so far.

Last month alone (October), I spent time in Kansas City (MO), Columbus (OH), Cincinnati (OH),  Denver (CO), Montreal (Canada), Houston (TX) and of course in and around the San Antonio/Austin area because sometimes I get to be at home. All this travel, with most of it being for work, really started to take it’s toll on my own health. Add in tons of work stress from deadlines and projects, allergy season being in full swing (helloo cedar fever!),  attending weddings, family events, and running not one but two half marathon. I was plain wore out and my body was starting to revolt.

Last week during the Thanksgiving holiday,  I was able to take some well deserved time off, which really helped me to unwind (aka get some actual zzzzs) and turn my attention on myself. Because there is only one you, and who better to take care of YOU than yourself, right?!

In an effort to refocus on my birthday gift to myself (ie, giving myself a little more self-care), I picked out 10 things to focus my efforts towards. And since we all probably need a little more self-care in our lives, I’ve compiled them below. I personally don’t have the time to do all 10 of the items every week but just picking one or two of this options a week have quite literally helped me keep my sanity, and they might be just what you need as well.

You don’t have to be the fittest person on the planet, but you should try and go for a walk after dinner.

You don’t need be a penny-pinching grump, but you should at least put what you can afford into a savings account for emergency or as a fun budget. You need to start saving for retirement now, not 20 years from now. Whether that is starting a 401(k) with your company (for more info on 401(k)s see my blog post here), or opening your own IRA account. You don’t need to put a lot away but put something, please. It makes me a little strapped for cash sometimes, but I still put 6% into my 401(k) every check and an additional $50.00 a month into a separate IRA I have. It’s not a ton of money but I’m doing it.

You don’t necessarily need to book a shrink once a week to take care of yourself mentally, but you should take 5 minutes a day to check in on yourself and make sure you are hanging in there. You check in on your friends and family to make sure they’re doing okay, so shouldn’t you also check in with yourself?

Invest in YOURSELF, your future self will thank you.

Remember that what self-care means and looks like is completely personal, but what I’ve listed out are things I am trying to do for myself and maybe these will work for you.

So take what resonates with you—and skip the rest. Take what you need, and focus on your well-being in a way that works best for you. After all, it’s easy to make yourself an afterthought but it’s so very important to remember that you should be your own priority and you should treat yourself as such!

What are you favorite ways to show yourself a little love? Comment below and let me know!


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